ARRL-based in-person (not online computer) Amateur Radio Testing (Volunteer Examiner Testing) for the Tri-Cities area is held every other month. Pre-registration before Thursday prior to the testing date is required. Call Mike Tesky (509 783-6236) to pre-register. The test location will be the Boy Scout office, 8478 W Gage Blvd, Kennewick, WA on Sundays at 1 pm. Any updates to particular testing dates and locations will be listed on this website, Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Operators Facebook page, and when you call to pre-register. The ARRL charges a test fee of $15. Please be prepared with EXACT cash, as no change will be provided. A check payable to the ARRL will also serve as payment, for a cash-less transaction.
More Info Contact Testing Coordinator Mike Tesky:
Phone(509) 783-6236 or Email kc7cck@arrl.net