Dec. 2024 Club Meeting and Annual Election Results

The Tri Cities Amateur Radio Club held our monthly meeting this evening at 7 PM at Confluent Maker Space on Williams in Richland.
A presentation was given by Dan, K7NXL, covering Field Day 2022 at KM7W in Montana, and sharing his experience developing his CW skills. It was very interesting and entertaining. Thank you Dan for taking the time to share you experiences and insights into having fun with Ham Radio, and CW!
The club also held our annual election of officers. New terms run the upcoming calendar year of 2025.
The following positions were elected:
Trustee (3 year term): Mark N7MHB
Trustee (2 years remaining): Ed W6OLA
Treasurer (1 year): Corey KJ7GXG
Secretary (1 year): Tony WS7V
Vice President (1 year): Steve WA7DUH
President (1 year): Mike K7NT
Many thanks to Scott KC7UOC for his leadership and stewardship of our club for the last year!
It was a well attended meeting, and we hope to see many more of you in the months to come!
Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7 PM at Confluent Maker Space on Williams between Geo Way and Jadwin.
This Friday at 8:30 +/- is the monthly breakfast at CG's on Clearwater. Saturday morning is the donut gathering at (I think) 9 AM at Popular Donuts on Union. (Others please correct me if I have any times wrong).
Mike K7NT


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