Ham Radio Tests
Take the ham radio test, or upgrade. Next VE testing is Sunday, 21-Mar-2010 at the Kennewick Red Cross Building, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Kennewick Red Cross Building - 7202 W. Deschutes Avenue
Doors open at 1:30pm, close at 2:00pm. Testing starts at 2PM sharp!
FCC license renewals and address changes will be processed FREE for ARRL members. There is a $15 fee for non-ARRL members. Bring a recent address label from QST as proof of membership.
Applicants must bring proof of identity. Those seeking an upgrade of their license, must also bring the original, plus one copy of any currently held CSCE and Amateur Radio License. The decisions of the VEC is final.
For further information on Test Sessions or updates, please contact:
Andrew Rakowski - (509) 528-9814