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Starlink Sats may be causing interference.

I was sent this from a ham in Arizona. I am sharing it with you now.
Dear Fellow Hams,

A recent study discovered that 47 out of 68 tested Starlink Satellites were leaking RF radiation, far outside their GHz authorized frequencies. The researchers discovered that RF was leaking into the frequencies from 110 to 188 MHz and of course our 2-meter band falls right in the middle. Also of even more importance is the aeronautical frequencies from 108 to 136 MHz that pilots and air traffic controllers use to conduct safe traffic separation (voice starts at 118.0 MHz, navigation aids are below 118.0 down to 108.0 MHz).

At this time, I could not find any discussion as to whether the StarLink RF leakage is actually interfering with any comms between 110 and 188 MHz since this is just a very recent study. However the fact that some of the Starlink satellites were quiet but others were transmitting (leaking) in the 110 to 188 MHz frequencies should indicate that there is a RF quality problem with some of the Starlink birds. Since some of the signals used in this frequency band are considered to be weak signal (aircraft navigational stations and ACARS text messaging to airline cockpits for example), if any reports do develop about interference to aviation comms, you can bet that the FCC will be all over the problem. This will be a difficult problem to observe as the Starlink satellites are traveling at 17,000 MPH and so you might have one satellite exhibiting no leakage and the next one behind it will be a "leaker". It may turn out that there is no interference detected that is harmful to earth comms from Starlink but there are many other constellations of satellites that still need to be tested for RF leakage.

You can read more at:

KK9HAM's picture

Updated files in "New Ham Kit"

We have updated and expanded the files in our NEW HAM KIT area. We now have more relevant information for new and aspiring HAMs TCARC-HAM-INTRO-101.pdf to help them get started.

If you have one of those popular Baofeng radios, we have a nice, english and detailed operations manual UV-5RV2+ User Manual.pdf and a quick and dirty instructions sheet to manually program that radio Baofeng-Programming-ae2.pdf.

You will also find a Band Plan for Western Washington WWARA-BAND-PLAN-20211218.pdf.
Plus a file with humorous clips on being a HAM radio operator.

Enjoy . . . 73

About Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club

The Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club (TCARC) is open to all persons with an interest in amateur (Ham) Radio. It is incorporated in the state of Washington as a not-for-profit corporation.

2024 Club Officers

Effective Jan 1, 2024


Scott (Scooter) Castonquay, KC7UOC

Vice President:

Mike Conatore, K7NT


Tony Gasperino WS7V


Corey Williams KJ7GXG

2024 Club Trustees

Note: The permanent license trustee is the club station license holder. The remaining three trustee positions each have 3 year terms.

Club License Trustee (Permanent):

Trevor Marvin, NZ4RN

1 Year Remaining:

Mark Glaman N7MHB

2 Year Remaining:

Mike Tesky KC7CCK

3 Year Remaining:

Trevor Marvin NZ4RN

Club Meetings

The Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club holds a regular meeting the first Monday of every month of the year. Each meeting includes an amateur-radio-oriented program that will be of interest to most hams.

Regular Club and Business Meetings start at 7:00 pm in the Kennewick Red Cross Building, 7202 W. Deschutes Ave., Kennewick, WA. All individuals interested in amateur radio are welcome and invited to attend these meetings - you do not need to be an amateur radio operator!

Do you have an idea for a club meeting, or can you give presentation or demonstration of a ham radio related subject? Please attend a meeting and talk with the Vice President or President to get on the schedule.

Membership Information

All individuals interested in amateur radio - you do not need to be licensed - are invited to become members of the Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club. Membership is only $20.00 per year, $25 for family, and goes to maintain an amateur radio station in the Red Cross facility, three area repeaters (146.04/64 on Johnson Butte; 146.16/76 and 444.1/449.1 on Rattlesnake Mtn), liability insurance at club events, and support for various club events. Without your membership and support, the club is not all that it can be.

The best way to join is to attend a club meeting (see info above) and seek out the Treasurer or other officer. They will fix you up. You can mail in your membership or annual renewal. CLICK HERE FOR FORM AND MAILING INFO.

New Membership or Renewal Form


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Click the below link to open and print a Membership Form:

Welcome To The Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club Website

This site is devoted to providing a forum for helping the club members, as well as anyone interested in amateur radio, receive the assistance needed to get the most enjoyment out of the many facets of amateur radio. The Tri-City Amateur radio club serves ham radio operators in southeast Washington state including the cities of Pasco, Kennewick, Richland; Benton and Franklin Counties and the surrounding towns.

Club members with the proper permission can create, edit and publish the content using the tools of the website and without a webmaster middleman. Registered non-members may post new forum topics and comments. Anonymous (non-registered) users may view most site content, but may not post information

The main menu is in the upper right corner.

Regular Club and Business Meetings start at 7:30 pm and are held at the Red Cross Building, 7202 W Deschutes Ave, Kennewick.

Top Menu Button "Information"-- contains the bulk of information on what's happening with Tri-City Amateur Radio Club, including area repeaters and packet nodes. It has special announcements, the President's Corner, meeting minutes, events schedule, event reports, and a variety of articles about amateur radio subjects.
Top Menu Button "Calendar"--provides a calendar view of club and other events of interest.
Top Menu Button "Forums"-- a typical forum-based area where subjects can be broached and others can comment.
Top Menu Button "Photos"-- an area where members can contribute photos, organized into albums, for viewing by all.
Top Menu Item "Swap Meet"-- a Buy-Sell-Trade classified ad tool for use of area amateurs.
Top Menu Item "About"-- a page providing an overview and history of Tri-City Amateur Radio Club.
Click HERE For Site Registration & TCARC Member Instructions
Send your mail and donations to--
Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 73
Richland, Washington 99352

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