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Next Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club Meeting

The next Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club meeting will be held on March 3, 2025 7:00pm at:
Confluent Makerspace
285 Williams Blvd
Richland, WA 99354

Agenda includes discussion on club projects and events. Ed McLaughlin W6LOA will have a program on radio propagation.

Confluent, a 501(c)3 non-profit makerspace next to Uptown in Richland that has been open since February 6th, 2016, has agreed to our use of their facility for our ham club monthly meetings. The club radio equipment/station and antennas have been stored until a location for a permanent club station can be found.

KK9HAM's picture

February 14, 2025 - Ham Breakfast

The next HAM Breakfast will be again, on the second Friday of the month.

DATE: February 14, 2025
TIME: 9:00 am PT
LOCATION: CG Public House, 9221 W Clearwater Ave A, Kennewick, WA 99336

Any HAM Operator (and their wives, etc.), or prospective HAM Operators are welcome to enjoy good food and great company. No club membership or affiliation required - anyone is welcome.

The question I posed last month about relocating our HAM Breakfast to the third Friday of each month was answered by all with a resounding, " I have no preference either way".

Amateur Radio License Testing

QST QST There will be Ham Radio In Person, no computers testing on Jan. 19th, 2025 in Kennewick WA at 1 PM. Pre-registration is required before the 16th. First time testing you must go to the FCC web site and apply for and bring with you a FRN number. Upgrading you must bring a copy of your current License which we must send in with the rest of your paper work. Test fee is $15.00 cash or check. Must have a picture ID Card. To pre-register or have questions contact Mike at 509-783-6236.

Dec. 2024 Club Meeting and Annual Election Results

The Tri Cities Amateur Radio Club held our monthly meeting this evening at 7 PM at Confluent Maker Space on Williams in Richland.
A presentation was given by Dan, K7NXL, covering Field Day 2022 at KM7W in Montana, and sharing his experience developing his CW skills. It was very interesting and entertaining. Thank you Dan for taking the time to share you experiences and insights into having fun with Ham Radio, and CW!
The club also held our annual election of officers. New terms run the upcoming calendar year of 2025.
The following positions were elected:
Trustee (3 year term): Mark N7MHB
Trustee (2 years remaining): Ed W6OLA
Treasurer (1 year): Corey KJ7GXG
Secretary (1 year): Tony WS7V
Vice President (1 year): Steve WA7DUH
President (1 year): Mike K7NT
Many thanks to Scott KC7UOC for his leadership and stewardship of our club for the last year!
It was a well attended meeting, and we hope to see many more of you in the months to come!
Meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7 PM at Confluent Maker Space on Williams between Geo Way and Jadwin.
This Friday at 8:30 +/- is the monthly breakfast at CG's on Clearwater. Saturday morning is the donut gathering at (I think) 9 AM at Popular Donuts on Union. (Others please correct me if I have any times wrong).
Mike K7NT

2025 Tri-Cities ARRL Amateur Radio License Testing

ARRL-based in-person (not online computer) Amateur Radio Testing (Volunteer Examiner Testing) for the Tri-Cities area is held every other month. Pre-registration before Thursday prior to the testing date is required. Call Mike Tesky (509 783-6236) to pre-register. The test location will be the Boy Scout office, 8478 W Gage Blvd, Kennewick, WA on Sundays at 1 pm. Any updates to particular testing dates and locations will be listed on this website, Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Operators Facebook page, and when you call to pre-register. The ARRL charges a test fee of $15. Please be prepared with EXACT cash, as no change will be provided. A check payable to the ARRL will also serve as payment, for a cash-less transaction.


  • Jan 19
  • March 16
  • May 18
  • July 20
  • Sept 21
  • Nov 1

More Info Contact Testing Coordinator Mike Tesky:
Phone(509) 783-6236 or Email

Richard Bogert's picture

Morning Social Net

146.64 morining social net

You’re missing out! The morning social net on 146.64 (W7AZ) is a real gem. It’s not your typical net. We talk about science, archaeology, business, pop culture, music, etc. You name it, we talk about it. We meet at 7:30 AM every day. Fire up your VHF and join in. You do not need to be a member of the Tri-City Amateur Radio Club to participate.
146.64, Negative Offset, Tone 100HZ

Richard Bogert's picture

December Coffee and Donuts at Popular Donuts in Kennewick

New to the Area? Come to Coffee and Donuts with a bunch of other hams 1st Saturday morning every month at Popular Donuts, in Kennewick( 101N Union St). It starts around 7:30 and the RAG CHEW could go on for a hour or two. If you can't make it, tune into the morning social net on 146.64Mhz (Neg. offset and tone of 100hz) at 7:30am. Ed W6OLA will be net control. Hope to see you there.

Pacific Northwest Hamfairs and Swapmeets

The below link is by far the most comprehensive list of amateur radio related events in the pacific northwest. Much thanks to N7CFO .....

Pacific Northwest Hamfair webpage at

QSL INFO: 2024 Tri-Cities Water Follies/ Columbia Cup (Unlimited Hydroplane Racing) Special Event Station

Members of the Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club operated a special event station -- W7AZ -- celebrating the 57th running of Columbia Cup Unlimited Hydroplane races from July 26-28th 2024. The races are part of the Tri-Cities (Pasco, Kennewick, Richland WA.) area week long Water Follies celebration. The Water Follies and unlimited hydro racing has occurred every year since 1966, except 2020 due to Covid lockdown.

QSL Info

Contact confirmation/QSL Cards may be sent to:
Tri-Cities Amateur Radio Club

Please provide a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) and we will get a QSL card back to you

KK9HAM's picture

Updated files in "New Ham Kit"

We have updated and expanded the files in our NEW HAM KIT area. We now have more relevant information for new and aspiring HAMs TCARC-HAM-INTRO-101.pdf to help them get started.

If you have one of those popular Baofeng radios, we have a nice, english and detailed operations manual UV-5RV2+ User Manual.pdf and a quick and dirty instructions sheet to manually program that radio Baofeng-Programming-ae2.pdf.

You will also find a Band Plan for Western Washington WWARA-BAND-PLAN-20211218.pdf.
Plus a file with humorous clips on being a HAM radio operator.

Enjoy . . . 73

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